moderated and spoke at the May 2022 edition of HydrometAFRICA conference in South Africa as a weather and climate thought leader.
Pretoria, South Africa – TomorrowNow was represented at the May 2022 edition of HydrometAFRICA conference in Pretoria, South Africa. Co-hosted by Varysian and the WMO, the event brought together national meteorological directors, IGOs, NGOs, development partners and experts from the private sector and academia to develop a common understanding of priorities and needs.
Participating as session moderators and speakers, Georgina Campbell Flatter, our Executive Director, and Philip Frost, our Climate Resilience lead, were able to lead several critical dialogues on weather, climate, hydrological and meteorological topics across key focus areas, including:
Funding and Finance, Data and Technology, Capacity Building and The Hydromet Value Chain.
Thank you to the Varysian team for an insightful event!