TomorrowNow kicked off Osiris Needs Assessment 3 with a workshop involving trial managers from One Acre Fund, KALRO, Bayer, CGIAR, & CIMMYT to map out the trial management ecosystem involving seed scientists and trial officers.
Nairobi, Kenya – TomorrowNow joined seed breeders at an International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) training at World Agroforestry – ICRAF, Nairobi.
The aim of the workshop was to map out the seed trial management ecosystem and understand the weather data needs of seed breeders who are working to develop climate-ready varieties leveraging the CGIAR CIAT ClimMob tool to manage seed breeding sites.
We made presentations about the opportunity & value of next-gen weather & climate solutions in crop management & learned from the participants about #WhyWeatherMatters to their work. A key takeaway from the workshop – there’s an urgent need for augmented weather solutions to complement ClimMob implementation across East Africa. Seed breeders require improved weather data and tools to be able to run crop modeling simulations that accurately reflect expected crop yields by farmers.